Does EV charger need dedicated circuit?

There’s nothing more electrifying than buying a brand new electric vehicle.

Not only are electric vehicles more sustainable, but they can also help reduce how much your household spends on gas each month. Before you head out onto the open road, you’ll need to make sure you have a electric car charging station installed in your home.

So, how does this affect your home’s current electrical system? Does an ev charger need a separate plug in? Or can you use a standard outlet to charge your car?

Stick around as the team from Sun Electrical Ltd. dives deep into this topic below!

Can I plug my EV into a regular outlet?

Yes, you can technically plug your car into a standard 120 volt outlet in your home. That said, it’s likely not the best idea for your electric vehicle given the other charging options out there. With a basic outlet with a 120 volt, it would take approximately 24 hours to fully charge your EV car battery and is considered a Level 1 charging station.

If you don’t plan on using our car often, you could get away with this type of home charging station. However, if you plan on using your electric vehicle daily, faster charging is definitely needed.

Most people choose to install a 240 volt outlet, which will charge your car within a couple of hours, depending on the actual size of your EV battery. This type of charging station is known as a Level 2 home charger.

Do electric cars need a dedicated circuit?

Yes, your ev charger will need a dedicated circuit breaker is you plan on installing a Level 2, or 240 volts for your home charging station. Because these charging cables require a significant amount of power from your home’s electrical system, without a new circuit, you can overload your electrical panel and cause significant damage and multiple safety hazards to your car, ev chargers, and home.

What type of breaker is needed for an EV charger?

Generally speaking, to handle the additional electrical load of your ev chargers, you will need to install a 240 volt circuit for your Level 2 charging station. That said, this could vary depending on the requirements of your EV battery. The best thing you can do is work with an electrician who will be able to look at your charging requirements, perform necessary upgrades to your home’s electrical system, and install the appropriate ev charging port into your home.

What are the requirements to install a dedicated circuit for an EV charger?

To install a circuit in your home, there are a couple requirements you’ll need to follow to ensure your new charging station works safely and is up to code. Here’s what you need to do:

1. Work with a qualified electrician

All ev charging should be installed by a qualified technician. Typically, your car’s warranty will state that the ev charging must be installed by a professional in order to maintain your guarantee. Electricians have the knowledge and expertise to safely and correctly install the circuit and ensure it meets building and safety codes. They will also apply for the required electrical permits with your local city council.

2. Inspection of electrical system

Before that actual installation can begin, the electrician you work with will conduct a thorough electrical inspection of your home’s electrical capacity to see if it can handle the extra power load of an ev charger. During this initial consultation, they will also determine whether your home needs to undergo any electrical renovations before the charging can be installed.

3. Location of charger

Next, an electrician will help you choose the best location for the ev charger. In most cases, ev car owners often choose to have the charger installed in their garage or on the side of their home, where the charging cable can be easily accessed at all times.

4. Selection of wiring

Based on the unique specifications of your charger, an electrician will then choose the right wiring size and circuit breaker needed to ensure you are able to safely and efficiently charge your new car at home. Like we said, most people choose to go with a Level 2 charging station as it can have your car charged within hours, compared to a Level 1 charger that takes a full 24 hours.

5. Installation of ground fault circuit interrupter (GFCI)

If needed, an electrician may also opt to install a GFCI protection to enhance safety and prevent electrical hazards in your home like electrical fires.

6. Charing station testing

Once the installation is complete, the electrician will conduct a series of tests to ensure that the circuit is working as it should. They will then plug in the charging cable and confirm that it is able to provide a full charge to your new vehicle.

Remember, working with a professional electrician is key to ensuring that your chargers are installed correctly and safely. DIY attempts can lead to errors that cause bodily injuries and other harm.

Install your electric vehicle charging station with Sun Electrical Ltd., today!

Just purchased an electric vehicle? If so, count on Sun Electrical Ltd.’s certified electrician team for customized home ev charging station installations year round!

Our certified electrician team is available 24/7/365 days a year! That includes during off peak hours, weekends, and holidays at no extra cost. We’ll also throw in a free quote for your ev charger install!

If you live in Cochrane, Airdrie, Willow Park, Strathmore, Langdon, Chestermere, Parkland, High River, Deer Ridge, Okotoks, DeWinton, Black Diamond, Bragg Creek, Lake Bonavista and need help installing your ev charging station, reach out to Sun Electrical Ltd. over the phone to schedule a consultation with us today, or make an appointment request using our online booking form!

Watt are you waiting for? Book your appointment with Sun Electrical Ltd. today!