How Many Amps for Electric Car Charger Stations?

Before installing an EV charger in your Calgary home, it’s essential for EV car owners to understand the importance of amperage when it comes to charging their vehicles.

The amperage of an EV charger directly affects the charging speed and efficiency. Important factors to consider when determining how many amps you’ll need for your electric car charger include the cost, charging speed, battery duration, and the location of the charger.

How much power will you need to use for charging? How much room do you have available for your charging station? What is your preferred charger’s amperage, and will it work for your home EV charging station?

Why Is EV Charger Amperage Important?

The amperage of an EV charger determines the rate at which electricity is delivered to the vehicle’s battery during charging.

Higher amperage allows for faster charging, reducing the time required to recharge an electric vehicle. Therefore, understanding how many amps your vehicle and charger needs is crucial for optimizing charging efficiency and convenience.

Types Of EV Chargers & Their Amperage

There are three different types of EV charging station levels: 1, 2, and 3. Each one has its benefits and drawbacks, and the home charging station you choose will depend on several factors such as the type of electrical system your home has, the amount of time you have for charging, and the type of EV you own.

Consult with the expert electricians at Sun to help you decide which type of EV home charger is right for you. Installing the wrong charger levels might result in damage to your electrical system, and might even require emergency electrical services.

Level 1 Charger

Level 1 chargers are the most basic and typically come with the vehicle upon purchase. They use a standard household outlet (120 volts) and have an amperage rating of around 12 amps. Level 1 chargers provide the slowest charging speeds and are best suited for overnight charging at home.

Level 2 Charger

Level 2 chargers offer faster-charging speeds compared to Level 1 chargers. They require a dedicated 240-volt circuit and can have varying amperage ratings, typically ranging from 16 to 80 amps.

Level 2 chargers are commonly installed at home or in public charging stations and are ideal for daily charging needs. Check out our guide to the best Level 2 chargers to help you make your home EV charger choice.

Level 3 Charger (DC Fast Charger)

Level 3 chargers, also known as DC fast chargers, are designed for rapid charging on the go. They utilize direct current (DC) power and offer the fastest charging speeds. Level 3 chargers have high amperage ratings, often exceeding 100 amps. They are typically found at public charging stations, along highways, and at commercial locations.

Factors When Choosing The Proper Amperage

1. Cost

The amperage rating of an electric vehicle charger can impact its cost. Higher amperage chargers tend to be more expensive, both in terms of the charger unit itself and the electrical service required.

It’s important to consider your budget, electrical current, and charging needs when deciding on the appropriate amperage for your electric car.

2. Charging Speed

If you require faster charging times, opting for more amps in your charger is recommended. Level 2 chargers with higher amperage ratings deliver more power to your vehicle, resulting in quicker charging sessions.

However, it’s crucial to ensure that your vehicle’s onboard charger and home’s electrical circuit breaker can handle the extra boost of the chosen amperage.

3. Battery Duration

High-amperage charging can potentially impact the long-term health of your vehicle’s battery. Some EV manufacturers provide recommendations on the maximum amperage that should be used to optimize battery life.

It’s advisable to consult your vehicle’s manual or contact the manufacturer to determine the recommended charging amperage.

4. Location Of Charger

Consider where your EV charger will be installed. If it’s at home, you may have more flexibility in choosing the amperage based on your specific charging requirements, as long as you have enough space in your chosen location.

However, public charging stations or commercial locations often have predetermined amperage ratings for their Level 2 or Level 3 chargers, and you may need to adapt to their available options.

Sun Electrical Has Your EV Charging Needs Covered

Selecting the right amperage for your electric car charger is crucial for efficient and convenient charging. Understanding the different types of chargers, their amperage ratings, and the factors to consider when choosing the appropriate amperage will help you make informed decisions.

Take into account cost, charging speed, battery duration, and the location of the charger to find the optimal balance between charging efficiency and practicality for your electric vehicle charging needs.

Get in touch with one certified electrician at Sun Electrical to help you save money and charging time for your electric vehicles.